This past year saw the largest number of life changes yet: 1) leaving my 22-year tech career to pursue personal creative passions, 2) moving out from the city to suburbs teeming with nature and wildlife, and 3) wrangling motherhood with …

This past year saw the largest number of life changes yet: 1) leaving my 22-year tech career to pursue personal creative passions, 2) moving out from the city to suburbs teeming with nature and wildlife, and 3) wrangling motherhood with …
As I look forward to embracing my 38th year and look back at last year, what first comes to mind is how emotional it has been, but with the ultimate happy ending. I have a small but growing repository of …
[Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Blogging For Books for reviewing purposes. I actually had already read it prior to receiving the copy, and all thoughts below represent my own sincere thoughts about the book based on …
Happy New Year – I hope yours has been off to an optimistic, promising start! Mine has thus far included a healthy, much-needed dose of self-reflection. As you may have noticed, I’ve been on a bit of a blogging hiatus, …
[I mark each birthday with a reflective post of what I’ve learned and who I’ve become: see the last two. For my 37th, I’m sharing my on-going experience with infertility. Discovering the lack of what one assumes to be a …
We’re so inundated with images and concepts of ‘beauty’, it’s been reduced to a near-meaningless buzzword. I think it’s important to give real meaning to the word, and attribute new value to it, so that it actually becomes applicable to …