Happy New Year – I hope yours has been off to an optimistic, promising start! Mine has thus far included a healthy, much-needed dose of self-reflection. As you may have noticed, I’ve been on a bit of a blogging hiatus, …

Happy New Year – I hope yours has been off to an optimistic, promising start! Mine has thus far included a healthy, much-needed dose of self-reflection. As you may have noticed, I’ve been on a bit of a blogging hiatus, …
[I mark each birthday with a reflective post of what I’ve learned and who I’ve become: see the last two. For my 37th, I’m sharing my on-going experience with infertility. Discovering the lack of what one assumes to be a …
Do you wish you had a marvelous, sophisticated French BFF who would share her best secrets on how to live life well and with sophisticated ease? You could! Virginie Suos is that lady, and her brand, Atelier Prelude, is how …