The past nine months of pregnancy have been completely new territory for me, full of discoveries and revelations… and of course, some moments of hilarious distress. Example: As my belly button area expanded, the newly-exposed skin was ultra-sensitive that if …
Pregnancy Style: How To Rock a Crop Top
My fashion challenge to myself these past nine(!) months has been to find creative, fun ways to create a maternity wardrobe that reflects my personal style (it seriously feels like the majority of the maternity palette is black and dark …
Pack Smart and Light for a Summer Babymoon Getaway
[This post is sponsored by Target. All content herein solely reflects my personal thoughts and opinions.] Ready for a vacation? I sure am! Making plans for a Memorial Day weekend or summer getaway? We were originally planning to babymoon in …
My Infertility Story: Questions You Should Ask in Life Decision-Making
[I mark each birthday with a reflective post of what I’ve learned and who I’ve become: see the last two. For my 37th, I’m sharing my on-going experience with infertility. Discovering the lack of what one assumes to be a …