In the first video of this series, I encourage you to freely and openly express who you are and to defy stereotypes. Celebrate who you are!
Now I’d like to ask you: Who would you like to become?
In what ways would you like to develop your identity? If you could imagine yourself in five years, how would you like others to see you as?
In this video, we continue the conversation about how you can identify who you want to be, and how to achieve it. I outline the steps in which you identify the way(s) that you want to develop, and general guidelines of how you can make that happen.
To set expectations, I’m describing my top-level process for enabling self-change. To keep it universally applicable, I won’t be able to go into specifics. My goal is to give you the foundational inspiration and framework enabling you to lay out your goals.
The steps are a way to visualize and structure your goal and the path towards it. They do not ensure success. As with any choice that you make in your life, the key to your success lies solely with you.
Your mindset and actions determine how successful you will be with tackling your goal. A failed New Years resolution is something said, but not acted upon. Mastering a valuable, lifelong skill is one that you dive into with purpose and commitment.
That driven desire and momentum is something that you carry with you, from beginning to end. Although, I will clarify that the path(s) you take will never truly end unless you consciously abort the journey. There will always be additional nuances to master, with new techniques and related capabilities to explore.
So, form your game plan and go for it! The time and effort investment will enrich your life. How? You never know the path that will come of it. Maybe you’ll reach your intended destination. Maybe you’ll end up somewhere else completely; unanticipated but entirely fulfilling.
For myself, I have consistently nurtured my self-development paths over time. Disparate as they may seem when viewed separately, I am weaving them together into a beautiful, cohesive story that is uniquely me. I am so proud of the tapestry that I am creating, and I hope you are and will be proud of what you create of yourself as well.

Great tips. I like to keep an inspirational mood board on pinterest too full of quotes to remind me to keep on track from time to time.
This is great! Right up my alley. Have you heard of Emoto’s rice experiment? If you haven’t, check it out. I’m planning on doing a similar experiment for my children so I can teach them the importance of positive expression.
Love this series and prompts! Totally digging it! Thanks for the inspiration!
Great tips! Can’t wait to hear more!
This is so wonderful! I love this series topic, and can’t wait to hear more. I also agree with having a plan and implementing small steps to achieve the bigger goal. I’ve been taking actions to run a marathon, and applying the same tactic. I began seeing huge changes within three months, can’t wait to see what else will occur. Xo, Ellese
How do you stop from getting discouraged when on this path. So many times my intentions and actions start off great. But I eventually find myself losing hope and getting discouraged. Any tips?
Great video, looking forward to the rest of the series!
I don’t think I’ve ever had one single path.. and mine just constantly seems to change.. so it’s hard to plan ahead. The most I can do right now is to do a month at a time, because who knows where life takes us next month. I’m more of a mill of all trades, but I do really admire people.. like pianists or doctors or people who have poured in so much of their time and energy into one lifelong skill.
I love making lists so I might start on making my list of characteristics first 😛 and see where that takes me.
I love that you’re sharing yourself with others to help them. Self-empowerment is so important!
I love making lists of goals and working each day at being a little bit better than the previous day.
This video is exactly the kind of push I needed! There are a few skills that I know I want to work on and develop, but never sat down to come up with a plan to achieve those goals. I’m going to try this out for sure! Thanks!
I love anything and everything that is empowering or self help! Any info is always knowledge that we can learn from one way or another! Thanks for this!
Great video Laurie, you’re a natural!
I’m currently reading a book that is kind of about this… it ties my faith into who I want to be 🙂 Loved this post!
great video, in five years time I would like people to see me as a very confident woman.