What an unbelievably memorable year 2013 has been!
The beginning of this year marked the launch of EyeForElegance.com (briefly under the name Lil’ Luxuries, before transitioning to its current state). I’ve so enjoyed sharing some of my favorite ways to convey oneself with natural poise and elegance, and hope my posts have been inspiring and informative. 2014 will bring new, exciting developments (please feel free to subscribe to get the latest updates)!
For work, I applied myself to the world of social networking: developing social media tools, talking about how to best represent oneself on social media, and doing some social marketing consulting. 2014 holds a range of opportunities to expand my expertise both there and elsewhere, so know I will be kept quite happily busy. 🙂
If 2012 was the year of weddings (we had three celebrations with family and friends around the globe!), 2013 was the year of traveling. This year, we romped through:
- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
- Paris, France
- Venice, Italy
- Florence, Italy (twice!)
- Rome, Italy
- Calgary, Canada
- Munich, Germany
- Berlin, Germany
- Hong Kong
- Kathmandu, Nepal
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Phuket, Thailand
Here are a few of my favorite images that show peeks of our globe-trotting adventures.
To take one last, loving look at 2013, here is a vignette I wrote last week in Phuket, in the company of a few of our beloved friends. La familia – you know who you are – this is especially for you. <3
We’re at a time and space somewhere between moonrise and the apex of the world. The Kamala valley lies below, obstructed behind thick leaves, and pinpoints of light above are breathtakingly clear and stunning in their multitude.
But one doesn’t need to look to the sky to find natural beauty, though it is one of nature’s best sources of inspiration. If we were to envision souls as illuminated beings, we find a magnificent mass of light spread crisscrossing the globe. Imagine what that must look like from space.Phuket is perhaps the most amazing place in the world for us, by stint that it is the emotional junction of so many dazzling lifelines coming together and interweaving in a magnificent, ephemeral tapestry. We have found our way here from around the world (and so we shall continue our journeys), we represent all permutations of lifestyle, and we have all been touched – deeply – by what we have found here, in each other, and the perfect circumstances which brought us together.Cherish these memories. They are magical, and they represent the best of what it means to live. Live – be inspired, dream, and feel. This is life, and this is love.

You really got around last year – awesome! Do you have any trips planned for this year?
belle + compass
Hello Isa, thanks so much for coming by my blog! 🙂
Yes, I was able to check off some of my top ‘must-visit’ places (and in doing so, have simply identified that many more places for my ‘must return to in the near future’ list, heh) and had a blast!
No big trips yet planned for this coming year, but I’m sure my husband and I will find some adventures that we just *have* to take.. 🙂
How about you? I just popped over to your blog, and I love your beautiful travel photos linked from your year in review (Paris and Germany) – looks like you had some awesome adventures as well!
I’d love to keep in touch; I just added you on bloglovin, FB, and instagram. Please feel free to find me as follows:
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What great photos – thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Adena! My pleasure. 🙂
What a great year you had…I hope you enjoyed my hometown Berlin 🙂 Happy new year and hopefully more travelling for the both of us in 2014!!
I’m so thankful to have had so many lovely memories! 🙂 Yes, I loved Berlin! It’s so dynamic, lively, trendy, and artistic… one of my favorite areas was the south-east portion, which, with its lively farmers markets and plethora of cultural restaurants and shops, reminded me a lot of Brooklyn.
Best wishes to you in 2014! <3